Monday, June 26, 2006

D0 y0u kn0w tat simple things can bRighten s0me0ne's life??? A simple smile can bRighten s0me0ne's day...

-=fRiday=- 23 june 06
it freak me 0ut!!! but it was a g00d exp0suRe. erm.. the c0nfident level did went up slightly. haha keep it up. erm.. thanks to trisha and lulu if n0t i will have al0t 0f pR0blems. thanks al0t!

-=satuRday=- 24 june 06
erm.. satuRday was quite a sucky day because 0f *******.idiot!!! because of it, didnt g0 w0Rk. waste my day 0f eaRning. NVM!!! haha.. its been a l0ng time since i last went j0gging, and i did it on satuRday @ ab0ut 10plus because i went t0 my daddy sh0p bef0Re that. it was a quick 0ne, didn't know is because of the pain in my st0mach 0R 0uR stamina impR0ve??? haha.. l0l And we went f0R desseRt bef0Re we went h0me. Reach h0me @ exactly 12 midnight..

-=sunday=- 25 june 06
the weekend wasn't that gReat till i g0t t0 spent the day with wayne and michelle... haha went t0 faR east t0 get my neckeman slippeR BUT eveRything was SOOOOO wR0ng!!! the seRvice SUCKS!!! I SWEAR IM NEVER GOING GET ANYMORE SHOES FROM THAT SHOP!!! ended up buying a heels instead. waste my m0ney! b0ught a shiRt. and a beautiful handmade pink butteRfly eaRRing fR0m heeRen. t00 bad i d0nt have the pictuRe with me if n0t i can sh0w y0u guys.. haha erm.. st0mach d0n't Really feel that well.. so reach h0me @ 10pm fR0m daddy sh0p.

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